About Us

The Association became a Community Interest Company some years ago, but it became increasingly apparent that the additional chores of writing an annual report and preparing and submitting official accounts plus the annual Confirmation Statement were becoming more of a nuisance than a benefit.  Companies House then increased the fees for submitting accounts and the Confirmation Statement, so members voted to dissolve the CIC and revert to being an ‘ordinary’ Association.  We received the striking off notice from the Registrar in November 2024.  Our official title is now the Wetherby Privas Twinning Association, but we abbreviate it to Wetherby Twinning.

The current Honorary President is Doug Masterton who is a past Chairman and one of the last original members from 1992.  The Chairman for the past few years has been Cindy Bentley.  Neil O’Byrne was elected Treasurer in 2024 but subsequently resigned due to moving out of the area.  Kazia Knight is our Secretary and Norma Harrington and Dawn Payne are committee members.  Dawn is currently Mayor of Wetherby and is therefore an ex officio member of the committee.  This is because the official twinning contract is between Wetherby and Privas Town Councils.  The Association operates the link on behalf of the Town Council.

You can read our new Constitution below.  New members are always most welcome and pay an annual subscription which is currently £12.  Subscriptions are due on or around the Annual General Meeting held in March/April each year.


The Association shall be known as The Wetherby Privas Twinning Association, referred to hereafter as ‘The Association’.

Aims and Objectives

To promote and foster friendship and understanding between the peoples of Wetherby and Privas
To encourage exchanges and communication between individuals and groups and to develop personal contacts to broaden the mutual understanding of the cultural, civic, recreational, commercial and educational activities of the two towns
To organise fund raising activities to foster the aims of the Association
To promote or support any other activities which may further the aims of the Association

Membership shall be open to all individuals and organisations supportive of the aims and objectives of the Association
There shall be two categories of membership:
Individual membership – which confers all the rights and benefits deriving from the activities of the Association
Corporate membership – which confers all the rights and benefits deriving from the activities of the Association but will be limited to one vote at any open meeting
A subscription shall be payable annually on or around the date of the Annual General Meeting or within one calendar month thereof and the amount of such subscription shall be decided at each Annual General Meeting. The subscription shall be valid for twelve months from the date of the Annual General Meeting.

Wetherby Twinning Association Officers & Committee Members

Management Committee
The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Management Committee consisting of:

Officers of the Association
Vice Chair
Honorary President

Additional members elected at the Annual General Meeting

In addition, an Honorary President shall be nominated by the Management Committee and elected at the Annual General Meeting.
The Wetherby Town Mayor is automatically an ex officio member of the committee for the duration of his/her term of office.
All officers and members of the Committee shall retire but shall be eligible for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations for all candidates proposed and seconded by two other members should be forwarded to the Secretary not later than 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. Alternatively, candidates may be proposed and seconded at the appropriate part of the Annual General Meeting.
The quorum of the Management Committee shall be 4 and must include 2 officers.

General Meetings

The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held at the end of March/beginning of April each year.  14 days’ notice of the date must be given to members.

The following business shall be transacted at the meeting:

  1. To receive the Chair’s Annual Report for the previous year
  2. To receive the Treasurer’s Annual Report for th previous year
  3. To receive and approve the annual accounts for the previous year
  4. To elect the Honorary President for the coming year
  5. To elect the Officers and Management Committee for the coming year
  6. To appoint an auditor if appropriate
  7. To conduct any other business

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by the Management Committee or at any time on a written request signed by at least 7 members of the Association and delivered to the Secretary along with details of the matter(s) to be discussed, giving at least 28 days’ notice.  The agenda for any such Extraordinary General Meeting shall be limited to the topic(s) for which the meeting has been called.  Ten days’ notice of the date, time and place of the meeting must be given to all members of the Association.

Voting at General Meetings

Only members present at the meeting (whether in person or online) shall be entitled to vote.  There shall be one vote per subscription.  The Chairman shall have the casting vote.

Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments to the Constitution shall only be made at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting.  Notice of any proposed amendment must be given in writing to the Secretary 21 days prior to the meeting.

The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Association with such bankers as the Management Committee shall appoint and such accounts shall be in the name of The Wetherby-Privas Twinning Association

Authorised cheque signatories shall be the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, with two signatories being required.

Accounts are to be submitted at each committee meeting for approval.

The annual accounts to December 31st shall be submitted for approval at the Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting shall appoint auditors if appropriate.


The Association may, at any time, be dissolved by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting.

In the event of dissolution, any available funds remaining in the Association’s accounts shall be transferred to a local charity selected by the Management Committee.

Wetherby – Privas

Widening Horizons – Promoting Friendship