Category Social

Call My Wine Bluff 2024

Our annual Call My Wine Bluff, held as part of the Wetherby Festival, was sold out for the second year running. Our 3 ‘experts’, Jacquie, Len and Alan lied about the 6 wines being tasted very convincingly. MC Barbara kept…

Boules Competition

A very competitive boules match with Tadcaster Twinning Association was held on the Wetherby Petanque Club’s terrain at the Wetherby Sports Association. Wetherby members Marjorie and Trevor organised the competition which ended in a win for the Wetherby teams. A…

Post Christmas social

members met up for a post-Christmas social evening at Bar 3 in Wetherby. The pub served a very generous hot buffet supper and it was a most enjoyable evening chatting to fellow-members.